How to identify possums infesting in your home?

 Possums can be a common nuisance in Melbourne homes, often seeking shelter and food. Identifying a possum infestation early can help prevent extensive damage and disturbances. Here’s how you can recognize if possums are making themselves at home in your space:

1. Noisy Nights

Possums are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active during the night. If you hear unusual noises such as thumping, scratching, or scampering sounds in your roof, attic, or walls at night, it could be a sign of possum activity.

2. Unpleasant Odors

Possums can leave behind a strong, unpleasant smell. This is often due to their urine, feces, and scent markings. If you notice a persistent foul odor in your home, particularly in enclosed spaces like the attic, it might indicate a possum presence.

3. Droppings

Possum droppings are another clear sign of their presence. Their droppings are typically dark, cylindrical, and about the size of a small dog’s. Finding these droppings in your roof space, garden, or around entry points can confirm an infestation.

4. Structural Damage

Possums can cause noticeable damage while trying to enter your home. Look for signs such as:

  • Torn or chewed roof shingles
  • Displaced insulation
  • Scratches and bite marks on wooden structures
  • Holes or gaps in your roof or walls

5. Nesting Materials

Possums create nests using leaves, twigs, and other soft materials. If you find these materials in hidden areas like attics or basements, it could indicate that a possum has set up a home inside your property.

6. Visual Sightings

Spotting a possum around your property, especially during dawn or dusk, is a strong indicator. Possums are adept climbers, so you might see them on fences, trees, or even on your roof.

7. Tracks and Footprints

Possums leave behind distinctive tracks. Their footprints have a unique pattern with a thumb-like toe on their hind feet. Check for these tracks around your property, especially in muddy or dusty areas.

8. Disturbed Pets

Pets, particularly dogs, can become agitated if they sense possums nearby. Pay attention if your pet starts barking, scratching at walls, or showing signs of distress, as it might be reacting to a possum.

How to Handle a Possum Infestation

If you suspect a possum infestation, it’s essential to take action promptly:

  • Inspection: Conduct a thorough inspection to confirm the presence of possums and identify entry points.
  • Professional Help: Contact a professional pest control service like Recon Possum Pest Control Melbourne. We offer humane possum removal and exclusion services to ensure the animals are safely relocated and your home is sealed against future infestations.


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